KAZVRI Abbronzarsi exotic leather handbag in luxury Semi-Nubuck finish, comes from our first Super handbags Toscana collection. It has a casual/sporty feel and comes in a timeless silhouette designed to balance luxury fashion with the practical demands of a modern woman. These handbags are made by a team of specialist craftsmen on the hills of Florence, Italy. All our leather is Halal and comes from a renewable source.
KAZVRI Abbronzarsi 30
Top handle
Halal Primero Crocodylus Niloticus leather
Palladium hardware
Interior iPhone/smart-phone pocket
Secure interior pocket for iPad mini
2 external slip pockets, lined in crocodile leather
Finest Halal Lambskin lining
Luxury Semi-Nubuck finish
Top secure zip closure
Made in Italy
DIMENSIONS: 30cm x 23cm x 16cm / 11.8" x 9" x 6.3"
Handle drop: 8cm
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